Search the Register

The online tool for members of the public, lets you check the registration status of any teacher who is registered with us.

The information displayed will show you if someone is registered with us, if they are subject to a temporary restriction order or are subject to a current Fitness to Teach disposal order (i.e. reprimand, condition or combination of both).


Please note that this register has been compiled with care however we take no responsibility for decisions based on the information contained here.


Full (General)  - the teacher has successfully completed a period of probation, including any conditions/requirements relating to their provisional registration, engages in the full version of Professional Update, and is eligible for classroom teaching (retired teachers on supply engage in the modified version of Professional Update).

Full (Associate) - the teacher has successfully completed a period of probation, including any conditions/ requirements relating to their provisional registration, engages in the basic version of Professional Update, and is not eligible for classroom teaching.

Provisional - the teacher is currently completing a period of probation and working to meet any additional requirements set by GTC Scotland, e.g. foreign residence requirements for teachers of Modern Languages.

Provisional (Conditional) - the teacher has conditions to complete before full registration can be offered.

Induction Scheme - the registrant completed their probation via the Teacher Induction Scheme.

Gaelic medium - the registrant can deliver their subject, or in the case of a primary education teachers the whole curriculum using the medium of Gaelic.

Professional Recognition - the registrants has been awarded Professional Recognition in an area of Professional Learning.

Temporary restriction order - an order made by a Fitness to Teach panel to temporarily restrict a teacher’s registration pending conclusion of an investigation of their fitness to teach.

Reprimand - an order made by a Fitness to Teach panel which is recorded against a teacher’s name for a period specified by the panel. Other than a mark on the Register, the teacher’s registration status remains unaffected and it does not restrict or control the teacher’s ability to teach.

Conditional registration order - an order made by a Fitness to Teach panel which imposes specific conditions that a teacher must comply with in order to maintain registration.

Removal - an order made by a Fitness to Teach panel removing the teacher from the Register. A removal order prohibits a teacher from making a registration application for a specified period (the maximum period is 2 years). A teacher who has been removed from the Register will only be granted registration again where they demonstrate to a Fitness to Teach panel that they are now fit to teach.