Home > Professional Standards > Standard-career-long Being a Teacher in Scotland Professional Values Social Justice Trust and Respect Integrity Professional Commitment Professional Code View the Professional Standards as PDFs View all 5 refreshed Standards side-by-side Being a Teacher in Scotland × Our increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world faces many social, environmental and economic challenges, and an effective, responsive and inclusive education system is vital if we are to address these. Engaged, reflective, empowered and skilled teachers and learners acknowledge Scotland’s place in the world, our history, our differences and diversity, our unique natural environment and our culture based on social justice. Scotland’s teachers help to embed sustainable and socially just practices in order to flourish as a nation. The Professional Standards outline what it means to become, to be and to grow as a teacher in Scotland. A commitment to the professional values of social justice, trust and respect and integrity are at the heart of the Professional Standards and underpin our relationships, thinking and professional practice in Scotland. The educational experiences of all our children and young people are shaped by the professional values and dispositions of all those who work to educate them. Values are complex: they are the ideals by which teachers shape their practice as professionals. Starting with teachers as individuals, values extend to our learners, our colleagues and community and to the world in which we live. Professional values help to develop our professional identity and underpin a deep commitment to all learners’ cognitive, social and emotional growth and wellbeing. They provide the foundation to support and encourage teachers to see the whole child or young person and their needs. They are integral to, and demonstrated through, all our professional relationships, thinking and actions and all that we do to meet our professional commitment as teachers registered with GTC Scotland. As part of teacher professionalism, professional values are required to be enacted in everyday practice both within and outwith the educational establishment. They support us to ask critical questions of educational theories, policies and practices and to examine our own attitudes and beliefs. Values, and the connections between values and actions, require regular reflection over the course of teachers’ careers as society and the needs of learners change and as understanding develops. Our commitment to career-long professional learning is a critical part of developing our professionalism. Enquiring and collaborative professionalism is a powerful force in developing teachers’ agency and delivering our commitment to engaging children, young people, their families and communities in the education process. Social Justice × Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities now and in the future. Promoting health and wellbeing of self, colleagues and the children and young people in my care. Building and fostering positive relationships in the learning community which are respectful of individuals. Embracing global educational and social values of sustainability, equality, equity, and justice and recognising children’s rights. Respecting the rights of all learners as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and their entitlement to be included in decisions regarding their learning experiences and have all aspects of their wellbeing developed and supported. Demonstrating a commitment to engaging learners in real world issues to enhance learning experiences and outcomes, and to encourage learning our way to a better future. Committing to social justice through fair, transparent, inclusive, and sustainable policies and practices in relation to protected characteristics, (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation) and intersectionality. Valuing, as well as respecting, social, ecological, cultural, religious, and racial diversity and promoting the principles and practices of sustainable development and local and global citizenship for all learners. Demonstrating a commitment to motivating, and including all learners, understanding the influence of gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds on experiences of learning, taking account of specific learning needs and seeking to reduce barriers to learning. Demonstrating a commitment to supporting learners who are experiencing or who have experienced trauma, children and young people from a care experienced background and understanding responsibilities as a corporate parent. Understanding and challenging discrimination in all its forms, particularly that which is defined by the Equality Act 2010. Trust and Respect × Trust and respect are expectations of positive actions that support authentic relationship building and show care for the needs and feelings of the people involved and respect for our natural world and its limited resources. Promoting and engendering a rights respecting culture and the ethical use of authority associated with one’s professional roles. Acting and behaving in ways that develop a culture of trust and respect for self, others and the natural world. Understanding, acknowledging, and respecting the contribution of others in positively influencing the lives of learners. Understanding health and wellbeing and the importance of positive and purposeful relationships to provide and ensure a safe and secure environment for all learners and colleagues within a caring and compassionate ethos. Respecting individual difference and supporting learners’ understanding of themselves, others and their contribution to the development and sustainability of a diverse and inclusive society. Integrity × Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. Demonstrating kindness, honesty, courage, and wisdom. Being truthful and trustworthy. Critically examining professional beliefs, values and attitudes of self and others in the context of collegiate working. Challenging assumptions, biases and professional practice, where appropriate. Professional Commitment × Making a professional commitment to learning and learners that is compatible with the aspiration of achieving a sustainable and equitable world embodies what it is to be a teacher in Scotland. This means teachers commit to living the professional values and engage in lifelong learning, reflection, enquiry, leadership of learning and collaborative practice as key aspects of their professionalism. This commitment to professional learning and growth, to the growth of learners, and to helping support that of colleagues, is demonstrated through engagement with all aspects of professional practice. It is demonstrated by working collegially, in English or Gaelic medium with all members of our learning communities with enthusiasm, adaptability, critical thinking and associated constructive, professional dialogue. A core component of teachers’ professional commitment is understanding the needs of all learners. Some children and young people may have a barrier to wellbeing and learning associated with a range of circumstances such as the learning environment, family circumstances, disability or health need, and social and emotional factors. This includes learners with additional support needs such as: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); Autism; Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia) (DCD); Dyslexia; and Tourette syndrome. Teachers recognise, see and acknowledge the value in everyone and have a deep awareness of the need for culturally responsive pedagogies. They promote equality and diversity, paying careful attention to the needs of learners from diverse groups and in upholding children’s rights. Upholding the professional values of social justice, trust and respect and integrity requires a commitment to leadership that inspires confidence and encourages aspiration. This commitment underpins leadership of learning in all contexts and change for improvement. It values the contribution of others, challenges biases and assumptions and applies critical thinking to make effective decisions, in the interests of maintaining and improving the quality of education and leading to improved outcomes for all children and young people in Scotland. The professional commitment of teachers in Scotland is to lead learning through: developing deep knowledge of learning and teaching; critically examining how our teaching impacts on learners; and using evidence collaboratively to inform teacher judgement and next steps for learners. Standard for Provisional Registration Standard for Full Registration Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Middle Leadership Standard for Headship Standard for Career Long Professional Learning The Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning provides an aspirational and developmental framework for teachers. It describes the advanced professional knowledge and pedagogical expertise that registered teachers could develop and maintain as they continue to progress in teaching and the education profession. This Professional Standard supports the professional growth of teachers in Scotland. Compare standards (please select maximum of 2 Standards)(For mobile view, we recommend to select only 1 Standard) SPR SFR SML SH Professional Knowledge and Understanding Professional Skills and Abilities 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. 2.2 Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional Registration 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and their influence on learning and wellbeing; and digital technologies to support learning. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research to develop an enquiring stance; and how to engage appropriately in the ethical investigation of practice. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied in context; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; processes used to develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning across different contexts; approaches to assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; and national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; how to use feedback to engage learners in dialogue about their progress and next steps. 2.2 Professional Responsibilities2.2 Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Education Systems As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education; current, relevant legislation, policies and guidance in relation to the teacher’s role; pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to Equality, Diversity, Additional Support Needs, Child Protection, and Wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to the context. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Full Registration 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and know how to use this information to support learning and wellbeing; digital technologies to support learning; and how to take account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research; research and engagement in professional/practitioner enquiry; and how to have an enquiring stance in relation to your own practitioner enquiry, working ethically, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied to learning in different sectors and contexts; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; processes used to change and develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas, stages and/or sectors; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning, individually and collaboratively, across different contexts, and in order to support the needs of every learner; how to adapt planning approaches to ensure that the needs of every learner are effectively addressed; individual and collaborative approaches to a wide range of assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; and the positive impact of engaging learners in dialogue about their progress and how to provide meaningful feedback to support and agree next steps. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Education Systems As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education, and their relevance to learning and teaching in the local context; how to critically engage with current, relevant legislation, policies and national and local guidance; contractual, pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to equality, diversity, inclusion, additional support needs, child protection, and wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to your different contexts and sectors. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Middle Leadership 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a middle leader you: contribute to the shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the school and learning community and effectively lead these with your team/s and across your area/s of responsibility. You lead and demonstrate this strategic vision, which underpins the work of your team/s in inspiring and motivating every learner, through the adoption of collegial practices and collaborative approaches; support and contribute to a strategic vision that embraces Learning for Sustainability; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to your own on-going professional learning acting as a 'leading learner’ to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments to enhance positive outcomes for all learners As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a middle leader you: regularly share and apply your enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; ensure you have enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a middle leader you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; promote and support learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy; enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management related to your context As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a middle leader you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices related to your context and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a middle leader you: have an insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an insight and understanding of the dynamics and political power and influences and how this aligns with your professional values and expectations; understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a middle leader you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight of any personal bias and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a middle leader you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a middle leader you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Headship 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Fully understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a headteacher you: lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to co-create a shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the learning community, which inspires and motivates every learner, including colleagues, and all members of the learning community and its partners and sets high expectations for every learner; embrace Learning for Sustainability within the shared strategic vison for the learning community; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to continued professional learning acting as a leading learner to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a headteacher you: regularly share and apply enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; and ensure enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a headteacher you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; co-create a culture where learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and cross curricular subjects e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy is inherent to the curriculum; lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a headteacher you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Fully understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a headteacher you: have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence and how this aligns with the Professional Values and expectations; and understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Fully understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a headteacher you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a headteacher you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a headteacher you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively to build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Full Registration 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and their influence on learning and wellbeing; and digital technologies to support learning. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and know how to use this information to support learning and wellbeing; digital technologies to support learning; and how to take account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research to develop an enquiring stance; and how to engage appropriately in the ethical investigation of practice. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research; research and engagement in professional/practitioner enquiry; and how to have an enquiring stance in relation to your own practitioner enquiry, working ethically, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied in context; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; processes used to develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied to learning in different sectors and contexts; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; processes used to change and develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas, stages and/or sectors; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning across different contexts; approaches to assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; and national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; how to use feedback to engage learners in dialogue about their progress and next steps. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning, individually and collaboratively, across different contexts, and in order to support the needs of every learner; how to adapt planning approaches to ensure that the needs of every learner are effectively addressed; individual and collaborative approaches to a wide range of assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; and the positive impact of engaging learners in dialogue about their progress and how to provide meaningful feedback to support and agree next steps. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Education Systems As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education; current, relevant legislation, policies and guidance in relation to the teacher’s role; pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to Equality, Diversity, Additional Support Needs, Child Protection, and Wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education, and their relevance to learning and teaching in the local context; how to critically engage with current, relevant legislation, policies and national and local guidance; contractual, pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to equality, diversity, inclusion, additional support needs, child protection, and wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to the context. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to your different contexts and sectors. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Middle Leadership 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and their influence on learning and wellbeing; and digital technologies to support learning. As a middle leader you: contribute to the shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the school and learning community and effectively lead these with your team/s and across your area/s of responsibility. You lead and demonstrate this strategic vision, which underpins the work of your team/s in inspiring and motivating every learner, through the adoption of collegial practices and collaborative approaches; support and contribute to a strategic vision that embraces Learning for Sustainability; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to your own on-going professional learning acting as a 'leading learner’ to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments to enhance positive outcomes for all learners As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research to develop an enquiring stance; and how to engage appropriately in the ethical investigation of practice. As a middle leader you: regularly share and apply your enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; ensure you have enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied in context; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; processes used to develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. As a middle leader you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; promote and support learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy; enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management related to your context As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning across different contexts; approaches to assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; and national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; how to use feedback to engage learners in dialogue about their progress and next steps. As a middle leader you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices related to your context and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education; current, relevant legislation, policies and guidance in relation to the teacher’s role; pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to Equality, Diversity, Additional Support Needs, Child Protection, and Wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. As a middle leader you: have an insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an insight and understanding of the dynamics and political power and influences and how this aligns with your professional values and expectations; understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to the context. As a middle leader you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight of any personal bias and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a middle leader you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a middle leader you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Headship 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Fully understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and their influence on learning and wellbeing; and digital technologies to support learning. As a headteacher you: lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to co-create a shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the learning community, which inspires and motivates every learner, including colleagues, and all members of the learning community and its partners and sets high expectations for every learner; embrace Learning for Sustainability within the shared strategic vison for the learning community; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to continued professional learning acting as a leading learner to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research to develop an enquiring stance; and how to engage appropriately in the ethical investigation of practice. As a headteacher you: regularly share and apply enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; and ensure enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied in context; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; processes used to develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. As a headteacher you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; co-create a culture where learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and cross curricular subjects e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy is inherent to the curriculum; lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning across different contexts; approaches to assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; and national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; how to use feedback to engage learners in dialogue about their progress and next steps. As a headteacher you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have knowledge and understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Fully understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education; current, relevant legislation, policies and guidance in relation to the teacher’s role; pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to Equality, Diversity, Additional Support Needs, Child Protection, and Wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. As a headteacher you: have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence and how this aligns with the Professional Values and expectations; and understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Fully understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a student teacher you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to the context. As a headteacher you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a headteacher you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a headteacher you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively to build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Full RegistrationStandard for Middle Leadership 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and know how to use this information to support learning and wellbeing; digital technologies to support learning; and how to take account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a middle leader you: contribute to the shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the school and learning community and effectively lead these with your team/s and across your area/s of responsibility. You lead and demonstrate this strategic vision, which underpins the work of your team/s in inspiring and motivating every learner, through the adoption of collegial practices and collaborative approaches; support and contribute to a strategic vision that embraces Learning for Sustainability; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to your own on-going professional learning acting as a 'leading learner’ to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments to enhance positive outcomes for all learners As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research; research and engagement in professional/practitioner enquiry; and how to have an enquiring stance in relation to your own practitioner enquiry, working ethically, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice. As a middle leader you: regularly share and apply your enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; ensure you have enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied to learning in different sectors and contexts; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects; processes used to change and develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas, stages and/or sectors e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. As a middle leader you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; promote and support learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy; enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management related to your context As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning, individually and collaboratively, across different contexts, and in order to support the needs of every learner; how to adapt planning approaches to ensure that the needs of every learner are effectively addressed; individual and collaborative approaches to a wide range of assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; and the positive impact of engaging learners in dialogue about their progress and how to provide meaningful feedback to support and agree next steps. As a middle leader you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices related to your context and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education, and their relevance to learning and teaching in the local context; how to critically engage with current, relevant legislation, policies and national and local guidance; contractual, pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to equality, diversity, inclusion, additional support needs, child protection, and wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. As a middle leader you: have an insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an insight and understanding of the dynamics and political power and influences and how this aligns with your professional values and expectations; understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to your different contexts and sectors. As a middle leader you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight of any personal bias and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a middle leader you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a middle leader you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Full RegistrationStandard for Headship 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Pedagogical Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Fully understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: pedagogical and learning theories and draw on these appropriately to inform: curriculum design and content where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; classroom organisation, learning environment and structures; planning, learning and teaching and assessment; interdisciplinary learning; outdoor learning, including direct experience of nature and other learning within and beyond school boundaries; additional support needs; the stages of learners’ cognitive, mental, social, emotional, physical, and psychological development and know how to use this information to support learning and wellbeing; digital technologies to support learning; and how to take account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a headteacher you: lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to co-create a shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the learning community, which inspires and motivates every learner, including colleagues, and all members of the learning community and its partners and sets high expectations for every learner; embrace Learning for Sustainability within the shared strategic vison for the learning community; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to continued professional learning acting as a leading learner to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research; research and engagement in professional/practitioner enquiry; and how to have an enquiring stance in relation to your own practitioner enquiry, working ethically, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice. As a headteacher you: regularly share and apply enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; and ensure enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: principles of curriculum design and how these can be applied to learning in different sectors and contexts; theory and practical skills required in curricular areas as set out in current national and local guidelines; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; processes used to change and develop the curriculum; curriculum content and its relevance to the education of every learner; interdisciplinary learning between curricular areas, stages and/or sectors; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and the need to take account of learners with additional support needs. As a headteacher you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; co-create a culture where learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and cross curricular subjects e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy is inherent to the curriculum; lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: how to plan for effective assessment, teaching and learning, individually and collaboratively, across different contexts, and in order to support the needs of every learner; how to adapt planning approaches to ensure that the needs of every learner are effectively addressed; individual and collaborative approaches to a wide range of assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of learning and teaching; national assessment requirements and requirements of other relevant awarding and accrediting bodies; and the positive impact of engaging learners in dialogue about their progress and how to provide meaningful feedback to support and agree next steps. As a headteacher you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Fully understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the principal national and international influences on Scottish education, and their relevance to learning and teaching in the local context; how to critically engage with current, relevant legislation, policies and national and local guidance; contractual, pastoral and legal responsibilities, for example, in relation to equality, diversity, inclusion, additional support needs, child protection, and wellbeing; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; and biases and their impact on people and practices and challenge these. As a headteacher you: have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence and how this aligns with the Professional Values and expectations; and understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Have a depth of knowledge and understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Fully understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a registered teacher you are required to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing and sustaining positive and purposeful relationships across the learning community; the distinctive culture, context and ethos of the learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; and the role of local, regional and national bodies in relation to your different contexts and sectors. As a headteacher you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a headteacher you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a headteacher you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively to build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Middle LeadershipStandard for Headship 2.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 2.1.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Pedagogical and Learning Theories and Professional Practice 2.1.1 Understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision 2.1.1 Fully understand how to develop and demonstrate a strategic vision As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the stages of learners’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and psychological development and know how to use this information to support every learner’s wellbeing; approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium, and Learning for Sustainability; the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning, including outdoor learning, and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments; innovative and partnership approaches for learners with additional support needs; digital technologies to support learning; the significance of and practices in leadership of curriculum development and pedagogical practices; and how to take critical account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of learners and how to adapt practices accordingly. As a middle leader you: contribute to the shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the school and learning community and effectively lead these with your team/s and across your area/s of responsibility. You lead and demonstrate this strategic vision, which underpins the work of your team/s in inspiring and motivating every learner, through the adoption of collegial practices and collaborative approaches; support and contribute to a strategic vision that embraces Learning for Sustainability; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to your own on-going professional learning acting as a 'leading learner’ to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. As a headteacher you: lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to co-create a shared strategic vision, ethos and aims for the learning community, which inspires and motivates every learner, including colleagues, and all members of the learning community and its partners and sets high expectations for every learner; embrace Learning for Sustainability within the shared strategic vison for the learning community; and act as a leader of and for learning and are committed to continued professional learning acting as a leading learner to support colleagues and the learning community to enhance practice. 2.1.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Research and Engagement in Practitioner Enquiry 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments to enhance positive outcomes for all learners 2.1.2 Have knowledge and understanding of political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental trends and developments As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to access and apply relevant findings from educational research and contribute to research knowledge in areas of interest; practitioner enquiry as stance in relation to your own professional learning, individually and/or collaboratively, to challenge and inform professional practice (pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge); and a range of enquiry approaches, different data collection methods/tools, appropriate to the enquiry question/context. As a middle leader you: regularly share and apply your enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; ensure you have enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. As a headteacher you: regularly share and apply enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of research and developments in education policy and legislation across the learning community to support positive learning contexts; and ensure enhanced knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education and society (including the role of digital technologies); the environment and the wider global community (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics) and relevant current and emerging legislation. 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum Design 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum 2.1.3 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Curriculum As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: current principles (local and national) of curriculum and assessment design; how to interpret and analyse current policy about curriculum design and assessment to ensure learners experience a curriculum that meets their needs; the value of learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability and digital literacy; the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; the need to adapt and enhance learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; and the need to explore and adopt a wide variety of technologies and learning spaces within and beyond the classroom, including the use of outdoor learning. As a middle leader you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; promote and support learning beyond curricular areas/ subject boundaries and of cross curricular subjects, e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy; enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. As a headteacher you: engage critically with research and developments in curriculum and work collaboratively with others to ensure this learning is creatively applied to improve outcomes for every learner in the learning community where appropriate taking account of Gaelic medium; co-create a culture where learning beyond curricular areas/subject boundaries and cross curricular subjects e.g. literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, interdisciplinary learning and digital literacy is inherent to the curriculum; lead collegial practices and collaborative approaches to enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching; and ensure effective learning experiences for learners with additional support needs. 2.1.4 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Planning for Assessment, Teaching and Learning 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management related to your context 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of Leadership and Management As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: approaches to pedagogy and practice: assessment, learning and teaching and curriculum; the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context of every learner and how to adapt practices accordingly; the features of inclusive learning contexts which motivate and value every learner; how to engage with a range of literature, research and policy and how to use this individually and collaboratively to inform, evaluate and analyse practice; individual and collaborative leadership approaches to curriculum development and pedagogical practices; approaches and practices employed to enable positive and purposeful relationships with every learner to discuss and support their progress through meaningful feedback and agreed next steps; and the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning and how to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. As a middle leader you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices related to your context and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. As a headteacher you: continuously widen your knowledge and critical understanding of leadership and management concepts and practices and work collegially and collaboratively with others to ensure this is embodied in practice; consider the implications for your leadership and impact on the learning community in terms of respectful relationships across the learning community in support of attainment and achievement, curriculum design and content; and in both your personal and professional life, and in the way you lead and empower the learning community, exemplify the vision and culture you seek to develop throughout the learning community and across teams. 2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities2.2. Professional Responsibilities 2.2.1 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Education Systems 2.2.1 Understand and demonstrate Political Insight 2.2.1 Fully understand and demonstrate Political Insight As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: how to actively consider and critically question national and international influences on educational policy, practices and systems development; frameworks, systems and processes to support and enhance teacher professionalism; current policy context and how that impacts on educational change and teaching and learning and meaningfully links to inform and change practice; how to ensure a culture which recognises and realises the rights of all children and young people and in which every learner meaningfully participates in decisions related to their learning and wellbeing; and biases and their impact on people and practices and how to identify and challenge these. As a middle leader you: have an insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an insight and understanding of the dynamics and political power and influences and how this aligns with your professional values and expectations; understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. As a headteacher you: have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence in the relationship between schools and society in general and the local community and context; have an enhanced insight and understanding of the dynamics of political power and influence and how this aligns with the Professional Values and expectations; and understand the impact and implications of political insight for your leadership and management practices and the work of school and learning community. 2.2.2 Have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of Learning Communities 2.2.2 Understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others 2.2.2 Fully understand and demonstrate self-awareness and inspire and motivate others As an accomplished teacher you have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of: the roles and responsibilities of teachers in establishing positive relationships across the learning community and how to individually and collaboratively support, develop and sustain these relationships; local and wider learning communities and how to draw on these to enrich learning experiences for every learner; and the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate. As a middle leader you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight of any personal bias and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. As a headteacher you: continually develop self-awareness; regularly challenge your thinking and practice through critical reflection and enquiry; manage yourself and others effectively, supporting and enabling teacher professionalism through a commitment to collegial and collaborative practice; build and sustain professional and personal credibility by modelling your commitment to on-going professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, and Learning for Sustainability; support and enable a culture of trust and respect; use cultural and emotional intelligence to explore bias, through questioning your own assumptions and identifying how these influence your work and relationships; use insight and strategic leadership to mitigate the negative impact of bias and ensure equity of access, opportunity and support; display confidence and courage in the way you deal with criticism and conflict; encourage and enable the development of leadership skills and capacities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by creating leadership opportunities across and beyond the school; and work co-operatively and strategically to develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families and a wide range of partners to support partnerships in learning. 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately 2.2.3 Judge wisely and decide appropriately As a middle leader you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. As a headteacher you: analyse and define situations clearly; take a positive solution-focused approach to your work; know how and when to make decisions and use a wide range of robust and credible data to support and inform your judgements; actively engage in professional debate and dialogue and actively encourage and seek views from across the learning community – from colleagues, parents/carers and families, children and young people, partners, other schools and the Local Authority/employer to inform your professional judgement and decision-making; and create, design and share approaches to achieving improvement and display an awareness of the positive and ethical use of power and authority. 2.2.4 Communicate effectively 2.2.4 Communicate effectively As a middle leader you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. As a headteacher you: regularly display and communicate your deep commitment to the education, wellbeing and inclusion of every learner through your everyday thinking and practice; communicate effectively and actively to build positive working relationships and inclusive practices within the school, learning community, with colleagues, parents/carers/families and partners; support, encourage and facilitate learners’ participation in decisions about their own learning and the life of the learning community and its environment; listen attentively and purposefully and express your ideas and feelings clearly; engage in professional dialogue, provide constructive feedback and show commitment to the development and implementation of effective communication in and beyond the school; demonstrate your commitment to openness and honesty with others through your effective use of a variety of means of communication including, as appropriate, social media; and have a clear and critically informed understanding of – and respect for – confidentiality and consistently apply this knowledge and insight to all engagements, practices and procedures. 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. 3.3 Professional Learning 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Provisional Registration 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of learners; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; and ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every of learner. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Utilise pedagogical approaches and resources As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; use a variety of questioning techniques and a range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a Rights-respecting culture where learners can meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families and the wider school community and partner agencies where appropriate, to support learning and wellbeing across the school; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others, seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level; use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; and contribute to clear, informative reports for parents/carers and the school which discuss progress in learning in a sensitive and constructive way. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Appropriately organise and manage learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; use a range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable learners to make use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Engage learner participation As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and ready to learn; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators and childhood development; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting for learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use research-informed approaches to positive and purposeful relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy and numeracy; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self and learners. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Full Registration 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of every learner; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance, including in Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every learner; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and uses available resources. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ appropriate teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; consider feedback about the learning process to inform your teaching; use a wide variety of questioning techniques and a wide range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Effectively utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a rights respecting culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families, wider school community and partner agencies, to support learning and wellbeing across the school and taking a lead role when appropriate; establish opportunities for parents/carers to participate in decisions about their child’s learning; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data effectively to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level and as a basis for dialogue with learners about their progress and targets; evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensure support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; engage with moderation and verification processes to inform pedagogy, learners' progress and school improvement; produce clear, informative reports for parents/carers, the school and partner agencies which discuss both progress in learning and matters related to personal, social and emotional development in a sensitive and constructive way; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Effectively organise and manage learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; take into account the additional support needs of learners to ensure meaningful learning experiences; use a wide range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable every learner to make full use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and draw on a range of sources to evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Effectively engage learner participation As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and is ready to learn; demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of additional support needs; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise and evaluate a variety of strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use a variety of research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing; recognise where learners with additional support needs require alternative approaches and seek support as necessary; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion to advance equality of opportunity between learners who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not and foster good relations; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source a range of appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: commit to lifelong learning, through an ongoing process of professional review and development that impacts on the learning of children and young people; reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; work collaboratively to contribute to the professional learning and development of colleagues, including student teachers; maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self, colleagues and learners; and engage with the Professional Update process. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Middle Leadership 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to designing and building the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Support the design and provision of a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop understanding and help promote collective responsibility for school-based decisions which are in accordance with the principles of the purpose of education, good curriculum design and address learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform the planning, development and assessment of learning to meet the learning and health and wellbeing needs of every learner, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; support and lead change effectively within your specific area/s of responsibility; model and develop, within and beyond your area of responsibility, clear standards in your practice in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for curriculum design and planning processes that enhance the learning experience for learners with additional support needs; and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Enable and sustain a coherent approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: facilitate a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment); model and support, high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and pathways and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; ensure all learners and colleagues meaningfully participate in decisions related to the development and planning of learning opportunities; engage with partners to support access to appropriate learning opportunities including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community; establish and develop processes to systematically gather, analyse and make effective use of assessment feedback and learners’ progress data to evaluate, inform and plan future learning which meet the learning and wellbeing needs of every learner; and develop, enhance and share practices which promote improvements in curriculum practices, ensuring and maintaining a focus on the interests of children and young people. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and support the development of a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; actively promote and engage in collaborative professional dialogue, critical reflection and self-evaluation with your team or teams across the school, as a way of proactively monitoring and reviewing pedagogy; establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; support a range of peer learning approaches which enable teams to work collaboratively and provide systematic opportunities to enhance and refresh teachers’ pedagogic and assessment practices; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, help promote a culture of wellbeing for all. In line with their identified strategic and operational priorities, they enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Lead and support the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help co-create, model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families and wider community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; enable your teams to promote and sustain a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; create and sustain a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and support and sustain colleagues in creating safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and the wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where all learners participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; establish and enhance opportunities which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in the planning, evaluation and decision-making related to their learning and progress, their school and the wider learning community; and provide opportunities for learners and colleagues to plan and discuss learning, ensuring appropriate opportunities for personalisation and choice. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Lead individual and collegial activities to help establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: support and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families which help them to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; seek regular opportunities to keep parents/carers and families informed about their child’s progress and developments in the curriculum and learning and teaching approaches; and help build and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Help promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities for supporting the wellbeing of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; draw upon knowledge and expertise from other partners to enhance programmes for learners and ensure appropriate information is shared with partners to inform decision-making; use and support systems which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation; support the provision of regular access to and education in the natural world for all learners; use a range of processes and approaches for the regular review and identification of learners’ needs through use of appropriate diagnostic tools to review learners’ progress, communicating outcomes with all relevant partners; and ensure planning and provision for learning is underpinned by the principles of equality and social justice. 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, model, lead and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Lead and promote a culture of career-long professional learning which builds and sustains individual and team capacity and supports identified and agreed priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; and create and utilise opportunities and activities for colleagues to engage in collaborative professional learning and develop leadership practices across and beyond the school. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Enable and sustain approaches and processes which support colleagues to engage in critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes, including for Professional Review and Development (PRD), which identify strengths and development opportunities and support career-long professional learning; develop coaching and mentoring skills and promote the use of coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning and foster a culture of peer support, commitment and collegiality; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant professional standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place regularly and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; critically reflect on and evaluate the impact of individual and collective professional learning provision on agreed priorities, within your areas of responsibility; support equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and support effective engagement of the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to and sustain a culture of selfevaluation for school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Develop and sustain a range of inclusive and supportive relationships, processes and practices which promote a culture of self-evaluation in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; contribute to an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; facilitate an open, honest and critical stance through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation; and build supportive relationships which promote and support the culture of self-evaluation. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: promote and contribute to a culture of critically informed practice using evidence, including research, and analysis against relevant benchmarks; gather information systematically from a wide range of sources and partners using valid, reliable and innovative approaches to engage all groups; use the information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; enable and support colleagues in using the information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners; and ensure assessment and evidence of assessments are robust and appropriate for internal and external purposes. 3.4.3 Collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; support a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/ carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Utilise and support systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the school and learning community improvement agenda As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: adopt a range of approaches to enable and support colleagues to undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards team, school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; undertake regular and systematic review of a range of processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and systematically use a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, manage allocated resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Make best operational use of all available resources in line with identified strategic and operational priorities, ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: identify with colleagues appropriate use of resources to sustain and enhance the learning environment to support the needs of every learner; ensure resourcing decisions are taken in fair, transparent and equitable ways taking account of identified priorities; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for the sustainable use of resources; use and contribute to systems to monitor, critically evaluate and review the use of resources; and be accountable for allocated budget and resources through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment in line with identified strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation, national and local agreements and school policies with regard to working relationships and in the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to support, supervise and contribute to the development of a professional school team to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Headship 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Headteachers lead and work collaboratively with the learning community to design and build the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Work with the learning community to design and build a shared vision to provide a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform a strategic overview of the planning, development and assessment of learning to ensure that school-based decisions are in accordance with the principles and purpose of education, good curriculum design and addressing the learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; develop and establish appropriate curriculum design and planning processes to meet the learning, health and wellbeing needs of all learners, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; ensure curriculum design and planning processes are well informed to ensure learners with additional support needs experience a curriculum that meets their needs; understand and lead change effectively across the school and wider learning community; set clear standards in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; and agree and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain a strategic approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) informed by knowledge and understanding of underpinning principles and purposes As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices including pedagogy and assessment; agree and communicate clearly high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; engage with partners to facilitate access to appropriate learning opportunities, including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community and provide learners with regular access to and education in the natural world; engage with colleagues and the learning community to develop strategic assessment practices, outlining the principles, purposes, uses, impact and sharing of any data gathered; and enable colleagues to develop, enhance and share teachers’ curriculum practices. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing among the school community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and develop a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; promote a culture of critical reflection and self-evaluation and establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Headteachers lead and work collaboratively to establish a culture which promotes wellbeing for self, others and the natural world to enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Agree, share and enact the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: co-create an aspirational vision, values, ethos and aims, agreed in partnership with all colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims regularly to all learners and the wider learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; promote a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; promote and enable a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and create safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Agree a strategic approach to encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and sustain a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where every learner is enabled to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; and establish and sustain a range of strategic processes and approaches which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Actively establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; support and enable parents/carers and families to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Establish and sustain a range of approaches which promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner and the wider work and life of the school As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities in supporting the wellbeing needs of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; and ensure systems are in place which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation. 3.3. The Learning Context3.3. The Learning Context Headteachers establish and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning within and beyond the school and wider learning community. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Co-create and lead a culture which promotes and sustains career-long professional learning across the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; create and utilise opportunities for colleagues to develop leadership practices across and beyond the school and wider learning community; and build constructive relationships that engender commitment and collegiality. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Ensure, enable and sustain approaches and processes which support engagement with critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning and the professional learning culture of the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes which identify strengths and development needs and support career-long professional learning; establish, enable and sustain coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning including the Professional Review and Development (PRD) process; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant Professional Standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; ensure equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and lead and support engagement with the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Headteachers ensure collegial practices are established to enable and sustain a culture of self-evaluation for whole school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Establish, enable, and sustain a range of inclusive, resilient, and adaptive relationships, processes and practices which engender an ethos and culture of self-evaluation at every level in the school and learning community As a headteacher, through individual and collegial activities you lead and work collaboratively to: establish, enable and sustain an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; build supportive relationships which help and support the culture of self-evaluation; enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; and facilitate an open, honest and critical stance in examining practice through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation at every level. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture of critically informed practice by using evidence, including research, and analysing against national and international benchmarks; ensure that information is gathered systematically from a wide range of sources and partners developing innovative approaches to engage all groups; ensure the use of a diverse range of information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; and enable and support colleagues in using a wide range of information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners. 3.4.3 Lead and collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; establish, sustain and enhance a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and establish processes and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Develop systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the strategic improvement cycle with the school and learning community As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards the school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; establish, sustain and review a range of strategic processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and effectively utilise a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Headteachers work with colleagues and the wider learning community to strategically manage and allocate resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Ensure best strategic and operational use of available resources ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: ensure resources are allocated in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified priorities and the principles of Best Value; delegate and share appropriate tasks and responsibilities to other colleagues, including those with leadership roles, and ensure support is in place; foster collective responsibility across the school and wider learning community for the sustainable use of resources; establish and maintain systems to ensure decisions are taken in collaboration with the learning community, providing clear details of how resource allocation meets identified priorities; establish and sustain transparent systems which support the effective monitoring, evaluation and review of the use of resources across the school and wider learning community; and be accountable for budget and resource management through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation and national and local agreements in all aspects of human resource management and ensure good practice in recruitment and appointment of staff, in accordance with the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to ensure a highly professional school team is built and sustained to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, including in the appointment of staff, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Full Registration 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of learners; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; and ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every of learner. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of every learner; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance, including in Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every learner; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and uses available resources. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; use a variety of questioning techniques and a range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ appropriate teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; consider feedback about the learning process to inform your teaching; use a wide variety of questioning techniques and a wide range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Effectively utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a Rights-respecting culture where learners can meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families and the wider school community and partner agencies where appropriate, to support learning and wellbeing across the school; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others, seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a rights respecting culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families, wider school community and partner agencies, to support learning and wellbeing across the school and taking a lead role when appropriate; establish opportunities for parents/carers to participate in decisions about their child’s learning; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level; use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; and contribute to clear, informative reports for parents/carers and the school which discuss progress in learning in a sensitive and constructive way. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data effectively to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level and as a basis for dialogue with learners about their progress and targets; evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensure support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; engage with moderation and verification processes to inform pedagogy, learners' progress and school improvement; produce clear, informative reports for parents/carers, the school and partner agencies which discuss both progress in learning and matters related to personal, social and emotional development in a sensitive and constructive way; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Appropriately organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Effectively organise and manage learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; use a range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable learners to make use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface unconscious bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; take into account the additional support needs of learners to ensure meaningful learning experiences; use a wide range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable every learner to make full use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and draw on a range of sources to evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Engage learner participation 3.2.2 Effectively engage learner participation As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and is ready to learn; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators and childhood development; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and ready to learn; demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of additional support needs; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise and evaluate a variety of strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy. numeracy and health and wellbeing; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use a variety of research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy and numeracy; recognise where learners with additional support needs require alternative approaches and seek support as necessary; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion to advance equality of opportunity between learners who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not and foster good relations; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source a range of appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self and learners. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: commit to lifelong learning, through an ongoing process of professional review and development that impacts on the learning of children and young people; reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; work collaboratively to contribute to the professional learning and development of colleagues, including student teachers; maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self, colleagues and learners; and engage with the Professional Update process. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Middle Leadership 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to designing and building the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Support the design and provision of a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of learners; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; and ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every of learner. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop understanding and help promote collective responsibility for school-based decisions which are in accordance with the principles of the purpose of education, good curriculum design and address learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform the planning, development and assessment of learning to meet the learning and health and wellbeing needs of every learner, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; support and lead change effectively within your specific area/s of responsibility; model and develop, within and beyond your area of responsibility, clear standards in your practice in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for curriculum design and planning processes that enhance the learning experience for learners with additional support needs; and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Enable and sustain a coherent approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; use a variety of questioning techniques and a range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: facilitate a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment); model and support, high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and pathways and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; ensure all learners and colleagues meaningfully participate in decisions related to the development and planning of learning opportunities; engage with partners to support access to appropriate learning opportunities including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community; establish and develop processes to systematically gather, analyse and make effective use of assessment feedback and learners’ progress data to evaluate, inform and plan future learning which meet the learning and wellbeing needs of every learner; and develop, enhance and share practices which promote improvements in curriculum practices, ensuring and maintaining a focus on the interests of children and young people. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a Rights-respecting culture where learners can meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families and the wider school community and partner agencies where appropriate, to support learning and wellbeing across the school; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others, seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and support the development of a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; actively promote and engage in collaborative professional dialogue, critical reflection and self-evaluation with your team or teams across the school, as a way of proactively monitoring and reviewing pedagogy; establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; support a range of peer learning approaches which enable teams to work collaboratively and provide systematic opportunities to enhance and refresh teachers’ pedagogic and assessment practices; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level; use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; and contribute to clear, informative reports for parents/carers and the school which discuss progress in learning in a sensitive and constructive way. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, help promote a culture of wellbeing for all. In line with their identified strategic and operational priorities, they enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Appropriately organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Lead and support the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; use a range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable learners to make use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help co-create, model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families and wider community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; enable your teams to promote and sustain a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; create and sustain a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and support and sustain colleagues in creating safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Engage learner participation 3.2.2 Encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and the wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and ready to learn; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators and childhood development; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where all learners participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; establish and enhance opportunities which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in the planning, evaluation and decision-making related to their learning and progress, their school and the wider learning community; and provide opportunities for learners and colleagues to plan and discuss learning, ensuring appropriate opportunities for personalisation and choice. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Lead individual and collegial activities to help establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: support and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families which help them to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; seek regular opportunities to keep parents/carers and families informed about their child’s progress and developments in the curriculum and learning and teaching approaches; and help build and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Help promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities for supporting the wellbeing of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; draw upon knowledge and expertise from other partners to enhance programmes for learners and ensure appropriate information is shared with partners to inform decision-making; use and support systems which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation; support the provision of regular access to and education in the natural world for all learners; use a range of processes and approaches for the regular review and identification of learners’ needs through use of appropriate diagnostic tools to review learners’ progress, communicating outcomes with all relevant partners; and ensure planning and provision for learning is underpinned by the principles of equality and social justice. 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, model, lead and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Lead and promote a culture of career-long professional learning which builds and sustains individual and team capacity and supports identified and agreed priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; and create and utilise opportunities and activities for colleagues to engage in collaborative professional learning and develop leadership practices across and beyond the school. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Enable and sustain approaches and processes which support colleagues to engage in critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self and learners. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes, including for Professional Review and Development (PRD), which identify strengths and development opportunities and support career-long professional learning; develop coaching and mentoring skills and promote the use of coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning and foster a culture of peer support, commitment and collegiality; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant professional standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place regularly and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; critically reflect on and evaluate the impact of individual and collective professional learning provision on agreed priorities, within your areas of responsibility; support equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and support effective engagement of the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to and sustain a culture of selfevaluation for school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Develop and sustain a range of inclusive and supportive relationships, processes and practices which promote a culture of self-evaluation in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; contribute to an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; facilitate an open, honest and critical stance through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation; and build supportive relationships which promote and support the culture of self-evaluation. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: promote and contribute to a culture of critically informed practice using evidence, including research, and analysis against relevant benchmarks; gather information systematically from a wide range of sources and partners using valid, reliable and innovative approaches to engage all groups; use the information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; enable and support colleagues in using the information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners; and ensure assessment and evidence of assessments are robust and appropriate for internal and external purposes. 3.4.3 Collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; support a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/ carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Utilise and support systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the school and learning community improvement agenda As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: adopt a range of approaches to enable and support colleagues to undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards team, school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; undertake regular and systematic review of a range of processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and systematically use a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, manage allocated resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Make best operational use of all available resources in line with identified strategic and operational priorities, ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: identify with colleagues appropriate use of resources to sustain and enhance the learning environment to support the needs of every learner; ensure resourcing decisions are taken in fair, transparent and equitable ways taking account of identified priorities; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for the sustainable use of resources; use and contribute to systems to monitor, critically evaluate and review the use of resources; and be accountable for allocated budget and resources through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment in line with identified strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation, national and local agreements and school policies with regard to working relationships and in the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to support, supervise and contribute to the development of a professional school team to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Provisional RegistrationStandard for Headship 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Headteachers lead and work collaboratively with the learning community to design and build the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Work with the learning community to design and build a shared vision to provide a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of learners; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; and ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every of learner. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform a strategic overview of the planning, development and assessment of learning to ensure that school-based decisions are in accordance with the principles and purpose of education, good curriculum design and addressing the learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; develop and establish appropriate curriculum design and planning processes to meet the learning, health and wellbeing needs of all learners, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; ensure curriculum design and planning processes are well informed to ensure learners with additional support needs experience a curriculum that meets their needs; understand and lead change effectively across the school and wider learning community; set clear standards in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; and agree and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain a strategic approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) informed by knowledge and understanding of underpinning principles and purposes As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; use a variety of questioning techniques and a range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices including pedagogy and assessment; agree and communicate clearly high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; engage with partners to facilitate access to appropriate learning opportunities, including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community and provide learners with regular access to and education in the natural world; engage with colleagues and the learning community to develop strategic assessment practices, outlining the principles, purposes, uses, impact and sharing of any data gathered; and enable colleagues to develop, enhance and share teachers’ curriculum practices. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Effectively utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing among the school community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a Rights-respecting culture where learners can meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families and the wider school community and partner agencies where appropriate, to support learning and wellbeing across the school; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others, seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and develop a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; promote a culture of critical reflection and self-evaluation and establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level; use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; and contribute to clear, informative reports for parents/carers and the school which discuss progress in learning in a sensitive and constructive way. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Headteachers lead and work collaboratively to establish a culture which promotes wellbeing for self, others and the natural world to enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Appropriately organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Agree, share and enact the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; use a range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable learners to make use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: co-create an aspirational vision, values, ethos and aims, agreed in partnership with all colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims regularly to all learners and the wider learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; promote a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; promote and enable a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and create safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Engage learner participation 3.2.2 Agree a strategic approach to encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and ready to learn; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators and childhood development; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and sustain a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where every learner is enabled to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; and establish and sustain a range of strategic processes and approaches which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Actively establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; support and enable parents/carers and families to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Establish and sustain a range of approaches which promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner and the wider work and life of the school As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities in supporting the wellbeing needs of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; and ensure systems are in place which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation. 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning Headteachers establish and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning within and beyond the school and wider learning community. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Co-create and lead a culture which promotes and sustains career-long professional learning across the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; create and utilise opportunities for colleagues to develop leadership practices across and beyond the school and wider learning community; and build constructive relationships that engender commitment and collegiality. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Ensure, enable and sustain approaches and processes which support engagement with critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning and the professional learning culture of the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a student teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self and learners. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes which identify strengths and development needs and support career-long professional learning; establish, enable and sustain coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning including the Professional Review and Development (PRD) process; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant Professional Standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; ensure equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and lead and support engagement with the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Headteachers ensure collegial practices are established to enable and sustain a culture of self-evaluation for whole school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Establish, enable, and sustain a range of inclusive, resilient, and adaptive relationships, processes and practices which engender an ethos and culture of self-evaluation at every level in the school and learning community As a headteacher, through individual and collegial activities you lead and work collaboratively to: establish, enable and sustain an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; build supportive relationships which help and support the culture of self-evaluation; enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; and facilitate an open, honest and critical stance in examining practice through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation at every level. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture of critically informed practice by using evidence, including research, and analysing against national and international benchmarks; ensure that information is gathered systematically from a wide range of sources and partners developing innovative approaches to engage all groups; ensure the use of a diverse range of information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; and enable and support colleagues in using a wide range of information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners. 3.4.3 Lead and collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; establish, sustain and enhance a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and establish processes and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Develop systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the strategic improvement cycle with the school and learning community As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards the school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; establish, sustain and review a range of strategic processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and effectively utilise a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Headteachers work with colleagues and the wider learning community to strategically manage and allocate resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Ensure best strategic and operational use of available resources ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: ensure resources are allocated in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified priorities and the principles of Best Value; delegate and share appropriate tasks and responsibilities to other colleagues, including those with leadership roles, and ensure support is in place; foster collective responsibility across the school and wider learning community for the sustainable use of resources; establish and maintain systems to ensure decisions are taken in collaboration with the learning community, providing clear details of how resource allocation meets identified priorities; establish and sustain transparent systems which support the effective monitoring, evaluation and review of the use of resources across the school and wider learning community; and be accountable for budget and resource management through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation and national and local agreements in all aspects of human resource management and ensure good practice in recruitment and appointment of staff, in accordance with the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to ensure a highly professional school team is built and sustained to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, including in the appointment of staff, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Full RegistrationStandard for Middle Leadership 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to designing and building the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Support the design and provision of a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of every learner; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance, including in Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every learner; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and uses available resources. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop understanding and help promote collective responsibility for school-based decisions which are in accordance with the principles of the purpose of education, good curriculum design and address learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform the planning, development and assessment of learning to meet the learning and health and wellbeing needs of every learner, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; support and lead change effectively within your specific area/s of responsibility; model and develop, within and beyond your area of responsibility, clear standards in your practice in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for curriculum design and planning processes that enhance the learning experience for learners with additional support needs; and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Enable and sustain a coherent approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ appropriate teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; consider feedback about the learning process to inform your teaching; use a wide variety of questioning techniques and a wide range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: facilitate a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment); model and support, high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and pathways and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; ensure all learners and colleagues meaningfully participate in decisions related to the development and planning of learning opportunities; engage with partners to support access to appropriate learning opportunities including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community; establish and develop processes to systematically gather, analyse and make effective use of assessment feedback and learners’ progress data to evaluate, inform and plan future learning which meet the learning and wellbeing needs of every learner; and develop, enhance and share practices which promote improvements in curriculum practices, ensuring and maintaining a focus on the interests of children and young people. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Effectively utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a rights respecting culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families, wider school community and partner agencies, to support learning and wellbeing across the school and taking a lead role when appropriate; establish opportunities for parents/carers to participate in decisions about their child’s learning; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and support the development of a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; actively promote and engage in collaborative professional dialogue, critical reflection and self-evaluation with your team or teams across the school, as a way of proactively monitoring and reviewing pedagogy; establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; support a range of peer learning approaches which enable teams to work collaboratively and provide systematic opportunities to enhance and refresh teachers’ pedagogic and assessment practices; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data effectively to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level and as a basis for dialogue with learners about their progress and targets; evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensure support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; engage with moderation and verification processes to inform pedagogy, learners' progress and school improvement; produce clear, informative reports for parents/carers, the school and partner agencies which discuss both progress in learning and matters related to personal, social and emotional development in a sensitive and constructive way; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, help promote a culture of wellbeing for all. In line with their identified strategic and operational priorities, they enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Lead and support the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; take into account the additional support needs of learners to ensure meaningful learning experiences; use a wide range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable every learner to make full use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and draw on a range of sources to evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help co-create, model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families and wider community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; enable your teams to promote and sustain a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; create and sustain a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and support and sustain colleagues in creating safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and the wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and is ready to learn; demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of additional support needs; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise and evaluate a variety of strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where all learners participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; establish and enhance opportunities which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in the planning, evaluation and decision-making related to their learning and progress, their school and the wider learning community; and provide opportunities for learners and colleagues to plan and discuss learning, ensuring appropriate opportunities for personalisation and choice. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Lead individual and collegial activities to help establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use a variety of research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing; recognise where learners with additional support needs require alternative approaches and seek support as necessary; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion to advance equality of opportunity between learners who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not and foster good relations; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: support and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families which help them to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; seek regular opportunities to keep parents/carers and families informed about their child’s progress and developments in the curriculum and learning and teaching approaches; and help build and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Help promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities for supporting the wellbeing of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; draw upon knowledge and expertise from other partners to enhance programmes for learners and ensure appropriate information is shared with partners to inform decision-making; use and support systems which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation; support the provision of regular access to and education in the natural world for all learners; use a range of processes and approaches for the regular review and identification of learners’ needs through use of appropriate diagnostic tools to review learners’ progress, communicating outcomes with all relevant partners; and ensure planning and provision for learning is underpinned by the principles of equality and social justice. 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, model, lead and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Lead and promote a culture of career-long professional learning which builds and sustains individual and team capacity and supports identified and agreed priorities As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source a range of appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; and create and utilise opportunities and activities for colleagues to engage in collaborative professional learning and develop leadership practices across and beyond the school. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Enable and sustain approaches and processes which support colleagues to engage in critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: commit to lifelong learning, through an ongoing process of professional review and development that impacts on the learning of children and young people; reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; work collaboratively to contribute to the professional learning and development of colleagues, including student teachers; maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self, colleagues and learners; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes, including for Professional Review and Development (PRD), which identify strengths and development opportunities and support career-long professional learning; develop coaching and mentoring skills and promote the use of coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning and foster a culture of peer support, commitment and collegiality; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant professional standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place regularly and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; critically reflect on and evaluate the impact of individual and collective professional learning provision on agreed priorities, within your areas of responsibility; support equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and support effective engagement of the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to and sustain a culture of selfevaluation for school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Develop and sustain a range of inclusive and supportive relationships, processes and practices which promote a culture of self-evaluation in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; contribute to an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; facilitate an open, honest and critical stance through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation; and build supportive relationships which promote and support the culture of self-evaluation. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: promote and contribute to a culture of critically informed practice using evidence, including research, and analysis against relevant benchmarks; gather information systematically from a wide range of sources and partners using valid, reliable and innovative approaches to engage all groups; use the information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; enable and support colleagues in using the information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners; and ensure assessment and evidence of assessments are robust and appropriate for internal and external purposes. 3.4.3 Collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; support a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/ carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Utilise and support systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the school and learning community improvement agenda As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: adopt a range of approaches to enable and support colleagues to undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards team, school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; undertake regular and systematic review of a range of processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and systematically use a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, manage allocated resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Make best operational use of all available resources in line with identified strategic and operational priorities, ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: identify with colleagues appropriate use of resources to sustain and enhance the learning environment to support the needs of every learner; ensure resourcing decisions are taken in fair, transparent and equitable ways taking account of identified priorities; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for the sustainable use of resources; use and contribute to systems to monitor, critically evaluate and review the use of resources; and be accountable for allocated budget and resources through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment in line with identified strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation, national and local agreements and school policies with regard to working relationships and in the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to support, supervise and contribute to the development of a professional school team to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional Learning Standard for Full RegistrationStandard for Headship 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Headteachers lead and work collaboratively with the learning community to design and build the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Work with the learning community to design and build a shared vision to provide a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: plan coherent, progressive and engaging teaching programmes which address the needs of every learner; plan learning in accordance with current curriculum guidance, including in Gaelic medium education where appropriate; identify the potential barriers to learning and plan differentiated and appropriately challenging learning experiences to ensure learning is accessible for every learner; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and digital literacy; ensure teaching builds confidence and promotes the progress of every learner; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and uses available resources. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform a strategic overview of the planning, development and assessment of learning to ensure that school-based decisions are in accordance with the principles and purpose of education, good curriculum design and addressing the learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; develop and establish appropriate curriculum design and planning processes to meet the learning, health and wellbeing needs of all learners, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; ensure curriculum design and planning processes are well informed to ensure learners with additional support needs experience a curriculum that meets their needs; understand and lead change effectively across the school and wider learning community; set clear standards in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; and agree and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain a strategic approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) informed by knowledge and understanding of underpinning principles and purposes As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create meaningful contexts for learners through a range of different learning environments; employ appropriate teaching strategies and resources, including digital approaches, to meet the needs and abilities of every learner; use self-evaluation and professional learning to support and improve practice; consider feedback about the learning process to inform your teaching; use a wide variety of questioning techniques and a wide range of digital and traditional approaches to enhance learning and teaching; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices including pedagogy and assessment; agree and communicate clearly high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; engage with partners to facilitate access to appropriate learning opportunities, including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community and provide learners with regular access to and education in the natural world; engage with colleagues and the learning community to develop strategic assessment practices, outlining the principles, purposes, uses, impact and sharing of any data gathered; and enable colleagues to develop, enhance and share teachers’ curriculum practices. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Effectively utilise partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing among the school community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: contribute to a rights respecting culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing, learning environment and their school; create and sustain effective working relationships with colleagues, parents/carers, families, wider school community and partner agencies, to support learning and wellbeing across the school and taking a lead role when appropriate; establish opportunities for parents/carers to participate in decisions about their child’s learning; practise self-care and support the wellbeing of others seeking support where necessary; develop partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and develop a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; promote a culture of critical reflection and self-evaluation and establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning 3.1.4 Effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: record, analyse and use assessment data effectively to evaluate learning and teaching; use the results of assessment to identify development needs at class, group and individual level and as a basis for dialogue with learners about their progress and targets; evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensure support and challenge for all learners; use appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies to provide opportunities for challenge and growth appropriate to the needs of every learner and to meet the requirements of the curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies; engage with moderation and verification processes to inform pedagogy, learners' progress and school improvement; produce clear, informative reports for parents/carers, the school and partner agencies which discuss both progress in learning and matters related to personal, social and emotional development in a sensitive and constructive way; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Headteachers lead and work collaboratively to establish a culture which promotes wellbeing for self, others and the natural world to enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Agree, share and enact the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment which is welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised; plan and organise effectively to facilitate whole-class lessons, group and individual work and promote independent learning; take into account the additional support needs of learners to ensure meaningful learning experiences; use a wide range of opportunities that stimulate and reflect ongoing learning in varied and dynamic learning environments; enable every learner to make full use of well-chosen resources, including digital technologies, to enhance learning, teaching and assessment, as appropriate; create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; and draw on a range of sources to evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, surface bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: co-create an aspirational vision, values, ethos and aims, agreed in partnership with all colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims regularly to all learners and the wider learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; promote a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; promote and enable a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and create safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Agree a strategic approach to encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: value all learners and their participation, actively engaging children and young people in decision-making about their education; demonstrate care and commitment to working with every learner, embracing diversity to ensure that every learner feels welcome, included and is ready to learn; demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of additional support needs; recognise that childhood experiences impact on the learning and wellbeing of children and young people and actively respond in appropriate ways, seeking advice and collaborating as required; and utilise and evaluate a variety of strategies to nurture caring and supportive and purposeful relationships with learners and celebrate success. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and sustain a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where every learner is enabled to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; and establish and sustain a range of strategic processes and approaches which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Actively establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: promote and develop positive and purposeful relationships with and between learners, colleagues, families and partners; use a variety of research-informed approaches to relationship building in a consistent way to build and sustain all professional relationships; communicate appropriately with every learner, modelling and promoting competence and confidence in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing; recognise where learners with additional support needs require alternative approaches and seek support as necessary; commit to and demonstrate equity and inclusion to advance equality of opportunity between learners who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not and foster good relations; and encourage learners to respect and care for themselves, others and the natural world. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; support and enable parents/carers and families to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Establish and sustain a range of approaches which promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner and the wider work and life of the school As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities in supporting the wellbeing needs of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; and ensure systems are in place which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation. 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning3.3. Professional Learning Headteachers establish and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning within and beyond the school and wider learning community. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Co-create and lead a culture which promotes and sustains career-long professional learning across the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: identify and source a range of appropriate literature, research and policy; and engage critically with research to challenge and inform professional practice and critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; create and utilise opportunities for colleagues to develop leadership practices across and beyond the school and wider learning community; and build constructive relationships that engender commitment and collegiality. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Ensure, enable and sustain approaches and processes which support engagement with critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning and the professional learning culture of the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a registered teacher to demonstrate your professional skills and abilities you are required to: commit to lifelong learning, through an ongoing process of professional review and development that impacts on the learning of children and young people; reflect and engage critically in self-evaluation using the relevant professional standard; adopt an enquiring, reflective and critical approach to professional practice; enhance learning and teaching by taking account of feedback from others including children and young people and actively engage in professional learning to support school improvement; work collaboratively to contribute to the professional learning and development of colleagues, including student teachers; maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact of professional learning on self, colleagues and learners; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes which identify strengths and development needs and support career-long professional learning; establish, enable and sustain coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning including the Professional Review and Development (PRD) process; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant Professional Standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; ensure equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and lead and support engagement with the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Headteachers ensure collegial practices are established to enable and sustain a culture of self-evaluation for whole school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Establish, enable, and sustain a range of inclusive, resilient, and adaptive relationships, processes and practices which engender an ethos and culture of self-evaluation at every level in the school and learning community As a headteacher, through individual and collegial activities you lead and work collaboratively to: establish, enable and sustain an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; build supportive relationships which help and support the culture of self-evaluation; enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; and facilitate an open, honest and critical stance in examining practice through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation at every level. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture of critically informed practice by using evidence, including research, and analysing against national and international benchmarks; ensure that information is gathered systematically from a wide range of sources and partners developing innovative approaches to engage all groups; ensure the use of a diverse range of information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; and enable and support colleagues in using a wide range of information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners. 3.4.3 Lead and collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; establish, sustain and enhance a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and establish processes and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Develop systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the strategic improvement cycle with the school and learning community As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards the school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; establish, sustain and review a range of strategic processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and effectively utilise a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources3.5. Resources3.5. Resources Headteachers work with colleagues and the wider learning community to strategically manage and allocate resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Ensure best strategic and operational use of available resources ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: ensure resources are allocated in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified priorities and the principles of Best Value; delegate and share appropriate tasks and responsibilities to other colleagues, including those with leadership roles, and ensure support is in place; foster collective responsibility across the school and wider learning community for the sustainable use of resources; establish and maintain systems to ensure decisions are taken in collaboration with the learning community, providing clear details of how resource allocation meets identified priorities; establish and sustain transparent systems which support the effective monitoring, evaluation and review of the use of resources across the school and wider learning community; and be accountable for budget and resource management through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation and national and local agreements in all aspects of human resource management and ensure good practice in recruitment and appointment of staff, in accordance with the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to ensure a highly professional school team is built and sustained to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, including in the appointment of staff, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. Standard for Career Long Professional LearningStandard for Middle LeadershipStandard for Headship 3.1. Curriculum and Pedagogy3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision 3.1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership and Strategic Vision Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to designing and building the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of curriculum.Headteachers lead and work collaboratively with the learning community to design and build the curriculum (i.e. through the practices that take place in learning communities in developing content, pedagogy, assessment and provision, as educational programmes are planned, enacted and evaluated). They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of curriculum. 3.1.1 Plan effectively to meet learners’ needs 3.1.1 Support the design and provision of a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education 3.1.1 Work with the learning community to design and build a shared vision to provide a curriculum informed by theoretical principles of curriculum design and purposes of education As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: use a range of assessment approaches to plan and adapt teaching and/or further assessment; plan and adapt learning, teaching and assessment, to meet the needs of every learner: with a critically informed rationale for actions taken; taking account of the gender, social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious and economic context; using appropriate resources, environments and technologies; lead pedagogical practice with a deep, informed understanding of purposes and processes of learning; and plan learning that is creative, sustainable and takes full account of the impact on resources. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop understanding and help promote collective responsibility for school-based decisions which are in accordance with the principles of the purpose of education, good curriculum design and address learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform the planning, development and assessment of learning to meet the learning and health and wellbeing needs of every learner, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; support and lead change effectively within your specific area/s of responsibility; model and develop, within and beyond your area of responsibility, clear standards in your practice in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for curriculum design and planning processes that enhance the learning experience for learners with additional support needs; and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform a strategic overview of the planning, development and assessment of learning to ensure that school-based decisions are in accordance with the principles and purpose of education, good curriculum design and addressing the learners’ entitlement to Learning for Sustainability; develop and establish appropriate curriculum design and planning processes to meet the learning, health and wellbeing needs of all learners, including Gaelic medium education where appropriate; ensure curriculum design and planning processes are well informed to ensure learners with additional support needs experience a curriculum that meets their needs; understand and lead change effectively across the school and wider learning community; set clear standards in relation to enacting the principles of inclusion, sustainability, equality and social justice through the curriculum; and agree and develop curricular frameworks to ensure appropriate personalisation and choice through individualised pathways. 3.1.2 Critically and effectively utilise pedagogical approaches and resources 3.1.2 Enable and sustain a coherent approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities 3.1.2 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain a strategic approach to the development and improvement of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment) informed by knowledge and understanding of underpinning principles and purposes As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: enact deep subject knowledge and pedagogical leadership; use research informed pedagogies and critically evaluated resources to: deliver high-quality learning experiences for every learner; and support every learner to be curious and engaged with their learning using real world themes where appropriate; employ rigorous and critical self-evaluation, reflection and enquiry including how to ethically investigate and evidence impact on every learner and on professional practice; and create opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding the world views of learners. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: facilitate a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment); model and support, high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and pathways and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; ensure all learners and colleagues meaningfully participate in decisions related to the development and planning of learning opportunities; engage with partners to support access to appropriate learning opportunities including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community; establish and develop processes to systematically gather, analyse and make effective use of assessment feedback and learners’ progress data to evaluate, inform and plan future learning which meet the learning and wellbeing needs of every learner; and develop, enhance and share practices which promote improvements in curriculum practices, ensuring and maintaining a focus on the interests of children and young people. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture which promotes and sustains high-quality curriculum practices including pedagogy and assessment; agree and communicate clearly high expectations of curriculum in order to provide all learners with creative and consistently high-quality learning experiences and opportunities for learning to be transformative in terms of challenging assumptions and expanding world views; engage with partners to facilitate access to appropriate learning opportunities, including outdoor learning within and beyond the school and resources across the wider learning community and provide learners with regular access to and education in the natural world; engage with colleagues and the learning community to develop strategic assessment practices, outlining the principles, purposes, uses, impact and sharing of any data gathered; and enable colleagues to develop, enhance and share teachers’ curriculum practices. 3.1.3 Critically and effectively use partnerships for learning and wellbeing 3.1.3 Enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing 3.1.3 Work with the learning community to establish, enable and sustain processes which actively promote professional dialogue, critical reflection and collegial practice as a way of evaluating and enhancing curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices) and wellbeing among the school community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: further develop and encourage a culture where learners meaningfully participate in decisions related to their learning, wellbeing and learning community; work effectively with colleagues, parents/carers, wider school community and partner agencies to enrich learning and teaching and support the wellbeing of all, across the learning community; and create and develop and sustain partnerships which: support decision-making that is compatible with a sustainable future in a just and equitable world; connect learners to their dependence on the natural world and develop their sense of belonging to both the local and global community; and connect relevance of learning to skills for life, learning and work. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and support the development of a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; actively promote and engage in collaborative professional dialogue, critical reflection and self-evaluation with your team or teams across the school, as a way of proactively monitoring and reviewing pedagogy; establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; support a range of peer learning approaches which enable teams to work collaboratively and provide systematic opportunities to enhance and refresh teachers’ pedagogic and assessment practices; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: model and develop a culture of mutual trust, respect and accountability through the development and enactment of the curriculum; promote a culture of critical reflection and self-evaluation and establish approaches to review curriculum practices which gathers views from colleagues and others across the learning community; and agree, develop and establish processes to validate and enhance the quality of curriculum practices (including pedagogy and assessment practices). 3.1.4 Critically and effectively employ assessment, evaluate progress, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure formative and summative assessment information is used effectively to inform learning and teaching and is proportionately and appropriately recorded; critically evaluate and use a range of differentiated assessment strategies that ensures support and challenge for all learners; apply the principles, policies and practices of assessment, including those required by awarding and accrediting bodies; with a range of relevant partners, select/design, use and evaluate innovative, responsive assessment approaches and strategies; engage with moderation and verification processes to effectively inform pedagogy, learner progress, whole school and system improvement; contribute to/design effective recording strategies to capture and analyse appropriate and proportionate data that: provides meaningful feedback/feedforward to learners; supports meaningful reporting of learners’ progress to parents/carers, families and partners; contribute to the evidence base used to inform learning and teaching, school and system level improvement; and apply professional judgement to evidence gathered to inform summative assessment. 3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context3.2. The Learning Context Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, help promote a culture of wellbeing for all. In line with their identified strategic and operational priorities, they enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of the learning environment.Headteachers lead and work collaboratively to establish a culture which promotes wellbeing for self, others and the natural world to enable and sustain positive and purposeful relationships and partnerships with colleagues, learners, and others across the learning community to meet the identified needs of all learners. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of the learning environment. 3.2.1 Critically and effectively organise and manage learning 3.2.1 Lead and support the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community 3.2.1 Agree, share and enact the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: create and maintain an inclusive, stimulating, purposeful and dynamic learning environment that offers appropriate support and challenge for all learners; provide innovative and adaptive learning experiences for learners with additional support needs; ensure that the learning environment takes full account of the diverse learning needs of learners; ensure opportunities for active participation, individually and collaboratively, for all learners; critically evaluate, select and design appropriate resources to ensure appropriately differentiated learning, teaching and assessment; ensure that every learner has access to and is enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies; and draw on a range of sources to critically evaluate the impact of the learning environment on every learner and learning and to challenge assumptions, bias and adapt provision, as appropriate. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help co-create, model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims of the learning community with all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families and wider community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; enable your teams to promote and sustain a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; create and sustain a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and support and sustain colleagues in creating safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: co-create an aspirational vision, values, ethos and aims, agreed in partnership with all colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and wider community, and embracing Learning for Sustainability; model and share the vision, values, ethos and aims regularly to all learners and the wider learning community including Gaelic medium ethos where appropriate; promote a culture of wellbeing for all through modelling and supporting sustainable processes and practices for working and learning; promote and enable a learning culture where additional support needs are integral to the learning community ethos; and create safe, caring and purposeful learning environments which are welcoming and inclusive, well managed and well organised. 3.2.2 Critically and effectively engage learner participation 3.2.2 Encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and the wider decision-making within the learning community 3.2.2 Agree a strategic approach to encourage and facilitate learner participation in planning and deciding about their own learning and wider decision-making within the learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: ensure meaningful opportunities are provided for learners’ active participation in decision-making about their education and in which learners recognise that their contributions are genuinely recognised and valued; develop alternative mechanisms for ensuring participation that take full account of the additional support needs of learners; and use a range of approaches to promote active participation that: embrace diversity; ensure learners feel welcomed, included, respected, valued, safe and nurtured; and take account of wellbeing indicators, childhood development and the impact of childhood experiences. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where all learners participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; establish and enhance opportunities which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in the planning, evaluation and decision-making related to their learning and progress, their school and the wider learning community; and provide opportunities for learners and colleagues to plan and discuss learning, ensuring appropriate opportunities for personalisation and choice. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and sustain a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust where every learner is enabled to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community; and establish and sustain a range of strategic processes and approaches which enable every learner to participate meaningfully in decisions related to their learning, their school and the wider learning community. 3.2.3 Build positive, rights respecting relationships for learning 3.2.3 Lead individual and collegial activities to help establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families 3.2.3 Actively establish, enable and sustain trusting relationships with parents/carers and families As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: promote, develop and sustain positive relationships that support learners’ curiosity, motivation and engagement with their learning; create a learning environment where every learner feels safe, valued and included and is respectful of themselves, each other, their surroundings and the natural world; promote and develop effective methods of communication that benefit learners with additional support needs; and use a wide variety of research-informed approaches to develop and sustain positive relationships across the learning community. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: support and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; develop trusting relationships with parents/carers and families which help them to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; seek regular opportunities to keep parents/carers and families informed about their child’s progress and developments in the curriculum and learning and teaching approaches; and help build and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: establish and enable a collegial culture of mutual respect and trust to build and facilitate partnerships between parents/carers and families, learners and the school and wider learning community; support and enable parents/carers and families to value the importance of education and learning in the home, the school and in the wider learning community; and sustain this culture to enable all parents/carers and families have a range of opportunities to engage in partnership activities and processes related to learning, the life of the school and the wider learning community. 3.2.4 Help promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner 3.2.4 Establish and sustain a range of approaches which promote and support partnership working with colleagues, parents/carers and families, other professionals and agencies to support the rights and wellbeing of every learner and the wider work and life of the school As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities for supporting the wellbeing of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; draw upon knowledge and expertise from other partners to enhance programmes for learners and ensure appropriate information is shared with partners to inform decision-making; use and support systems which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation; support the provision of regular access to and education in the natural world for all learners; use a range of processes and approaches for the regular review and identification of learners’ needs through use of appropriate diagnostic tools to review learners’ progress, communicating outcomes with all relevant partners; and ensure planning and provision for learning is underpinned by the principles of equality and social justice. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: understand your own and others’ responsibilities for implementing national and local child protection policies and procedures to ensure the care and welfare of every learner; understand your own and others’ responsibilities in supporting the wellbeing needs of every child or young person to inform practices in the school and wider learning community; and ensure systems are in place which enable all partners to contribute to, and support, the diverse needs of every learner in line with local and national policy and legislation. 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning 3.3. Professional Learning Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, model, lead and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of professional learning.Headteachers establish and promote a collaborative culture of professional learning within and beyond the school and wider learning community. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of professional learning. 3.3.1 Engage critically with literature, research and policy 3.3.1 Lead and promote a culture of career-long professional learning which builds and sustains individual and team capacity and supports identified and agreed priorities 3.3.1 Co-create and lead a culture which promotes and sustains career-long professional learning across the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: critically review, examine and evaluate a range of educational literature, research, and policy to: critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system; ensure practice is informed, justifiable and adapted accordingly; enact key learning from professional reading and adapt to suit local contexts to ensure that practice reflects current educational thinking to support the needs of learners; and participate and/or lead robust professional dialogue through both face-to-face and online discussions. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; and create and utilise opportunities and activities for colleagues to engage in collaborative professional learning and develop leadership practices across and beyond the school. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take responsibility for, and engage actively in, career-long professional learning to deepen your knowledge, understanding and skills; critically engage with literature, research and policy to challenge and inform decision-making and professional practice; develop and engage in professional enquiry as a key element of a sustainable professional learning culture; set high expectations of career-long professional learning for self and colleagues, as appropriate, and support a wide range of opportunities which enable this; create and utilise opportunities for colleagues to develop leadership practices across and beyond the school and wider learning community; and build constructive relationships that engender commitment and collegiality. 3.3.2 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise 3.3.2 Enable and sustain approaches and processes which support colleagues to engage in critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning 3.3.2 Ensure, enable and sustain approaches and processes which support engagement with critically reflective practice as an integral part of career-long professional learning and the professional learning culture of the school and learning community As an accomplished teacher you consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to: engage in rigorous, evidence informed self-evaluation of practice; investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice and make changes accordingly; engage in and/or lead practitioner/professional enquiry to inform and challenge practice; identify and engage in meaningful career-long professional learning, including postgraduate study as appropriate, and maintain a reflective record of evidence of impact on self, colleagues and learners; show professional courage and judgement to support and challenge system improvement through: understanding and exploring local, national, and global contexts and the complexity in which teachers interact; and contributing to a learning culture that supports and facilitates professional dialogue, debate and constructive feedback; lead and contribute to the professional learning of colleagues, including student and probationer teachers; and engage with the Professional Update process. As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes, including for Professional Review and Development (PRD), which identify strengths and development opportunities and support career-long professional learning; develop coaching and mentoring skills and promote the use of coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning and foster a culture of peer support, commitment and collegiality; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant professional standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place regularly and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; critically reflect on and evaluate the impact of individual and collective professional learning provision on agreed priorities, within your areas of responsibility; support equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and support effective engagement of the Professional Update process. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: use agreed processes which identify strengths and development needs and support career-long professional learning; establish, enable and sustain coaching and mentoring principles and approaches which support professional learning including the Professional Review and Development (PRD) process; support colleagues in taking ownership and responsibility for their professional learning and PRD using relevant Professional Standards to support self-evaluation and critical reflection; ensure that purposeful ongoing professional learning and PRD takes place and that the outcomes of the processes contribute to improvement of professional practice; ensure equal access to professional learning opportunities for all; and lead and support engagement with the Professional Update process. 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation 3.4. Self-Evaluation Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, contribute to and sustain a culture of selfevaluation for school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation.Headteachers ensure collegial practices are established to enable and sustain a culture of self-evaluation for whole school and learning community improvement to evaluate the impact on every learner. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of self-evaluation. 3.4.1 Develop and sustain a range of inclusive and supportive relationships, processes and practices which promote a culture of self-evaluation in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities 3.4.1 Establish, enable, and sustain a range of inclusive, resilient, and adaptive relationships, processes and practices which engender an ethos and culture of self-evaluation at every level in the school and learning community As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; contribute to an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; facilitate an open, honest and critical stance through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation; and build supportive relationships which promote and support the culture of self-evaluation. As a headteacher, through individual and collegial activities you lead and work collaboratively to: establish, enable and sustain an inclusive, resilient and adaptive culture of improvement using critically informed leadership practices and approaches; build supportive relationships which help and support the culture of self-evaluation; enable and sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect where colleagues, learners and the learning community engage in self-evaluation with confidence and integrity; and facilitate an open, honest and critical stance in examining practice through modelling and promoting good practice in self-evaluation at every level. 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities 3.4.2 Develop and sustain the effective use of a wide range of robust and credible information to support and inform decisions and improvements across the school and learning community in line with agreed strategic and operational priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: promote and contribute to a culture of critically informed practice using evidence, including research, and analysis against relevant benchmarks; gather information systematically from a wide range of sources and partners using valid, reliable and innovative approaches to engage all groups; use the information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; enable and support colleagues in using the information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners; and ensure assessment and evidence of assessments are robust and appropriate for internal and external purposes. As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: develop a culture of critically informed practice by using evidence, including research, and analysing against national and international benchmarks; ensure that information is gathered systematically from a wide range of sources and partners developing innovative approaches to engage all groups; ensure the use of a diverse range of information, qualitative and quantitative, to inform decision-making and identify priorities to shape and improve practices; and enable and support colleagues in using a wide range of information to plan curriculum (pedagogy, assessment and reporting) with a focus on improving outcomes for all learners. 3.4.3 Collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities 3.4.3 Lead and collaborate with colleagues, learners, parents/carers and families and the wider learning community in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: help create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; support a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/ carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. As a headteacher you lead and work collaboratively to: create regular opportunities to engage colleagues, learners and the wider learning community to identify key priorities for improvement using the evidence gathered; establish, sustain and enhance a culture where all learners, colleagues, parents/carers and families are involved in meaningful decision-making about the planning and enhancement of learning and in wider school and learning community improvement; and establish processes and facilitate opportunities for groups to work collaboratively to take forward improvement priorities. 3.4.4 Utilise and support systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the school and learning community improvement agenda 3.4.4 Develop systems for ongoing monitoring and review of the strategic improvement cycle with the school and learning community As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: adopt a range of approaches to enable and support colleagues to undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards team, school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; undertake regular and systematic review of a range of processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and systematically use a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: undertake regular and systematic review of progress towards the school and learning community priorities, including resourcing decisions, to evaluate the impact on every learner; establish, sustain and review a range of strategic processes which enable colleagues to contribute to the overall monitoring and review of change through the improvement planning cycle; and effectively utilise a wide range of evidence to review and inform an improvement cycle which impacts on the development of the learning environment. 3.5. Resources 3.5. Resources 3.5. Resources Middle leaders, with colleagues and within their specific area/s of responsibility, manage allocated resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform their knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources.Headteachers work with colleagues and the wider learning community to strategically manage and allocate resources in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified strategic and operational priorities. They critically engage with policy, research and practice to inform strategic knowledge and understanding of equitable and sustainable use of resources. 3.5.1 Make best operational use of all available resources in line with identified strategic and operational priorities, ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners 3.5.1 Ensure best strategic and operational use of available resources ensuring and maintaining a clear focus on the interests of learners As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: identify with colleagues appropriate use of resources to sustain and enhance the learning environment to support the needs of every learner; ensure resourcing decisions are taken in fair, transparent and equitable ways taking account of identified priorities; develop understanding and promote collective responsibility for the sustainable use of resources; use and contribute to systems to monitor, critically evaluate and review the use of resources; and be accountable for allocated budget and resources through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: ensure resources are allocated in a fair, transparent and equitable manner in line with identified priorities and the principles of Best Value; delegate and share appropriate tasks and responsibilities to other colleagues, including those with leadership roles, and ensure support is in place; foster collective responsibility across the school and wider learning community for the sustainable use of resources; establish and maintain systems to ensure decisions are taken in collaboration with the learning community, providing clear details of how resource allocation meets identified priorities; establish and sustain transparent systems which support the effective monitoring, evaluation and review of the use of resources across the school and wider learning community; and be accountable for budget and resource management through utilising appropriate procedures and all available supports. 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment in line with identified strategic and operational priorities 3.5.2 Work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements and policies governing employment As a middle leader, through individual and collegial activities, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation, national and local agreements and school policies with regard to working relationships and in the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to support, supervise and contribute to the development of a professional school team to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all. As a headteacher, you lead and work collaboratively to: take due account of employment legislation and national and local agreements in all aspects of human resource management and ensure good practice in recruitment and appointment of staff, in accordance with the best interests of children and young people; work within clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, to ensure a highly professional school team is built and sustained to meet the needs of the learning community; take due account of the legislative framework related to equality and social inclusion, including in the appointment of staff, to promote an inclusive community which values diversity and challenges discrimination; and take due account of Health and Safety legislation to ensure the safety and welfare of all.